Attracting Skilled Staff with Benefits

A benefits package plays a crucial part of attracting and retaining great staff. There are skills and labour shortages in the construction sector and these shortages are for both professionals, such as project managers and quantity surveyors…

Protecting Retirement Savings and Investments

This month, we posted an article on the CIF website outlining the lessons learned from previous financial uncertainties. You can read the full article on the CIF website here. 

Remembering Our Losses - Not the Recovery

In this month's Construction Magazine, Susan writes when it comes to your pension, you should stay the course of your investment strategy. No doubt, at this point, you have heard reference to the Great Depression of the 1930s. While there…
Milestone Advisory Protection Services

Life Cover and Covid-19

The last few months have been a stressful time for humanity. The mental load of worries and concerns arising from Covid-19 are many and varied. Humans are resilient and while we adjust to our new ways of working, shopping and restricted travel,…

Financial Guidance During a Crisis

During this Covid -19 pandemic, one thing is certain and that is that nothing is certain and stock markets do not like uncertainty. Over the last few weeks, we have witnessed the shortest sharpest shock to the stock market in history. World…

What is going on with the State Pension?

The State pension has had a lot of attention over the past few weeks. In this month's Construction Magazine, Susan outlines what issues should be considered when discussing it. From 2021, the age at which a person becomes entitled to collect…

Planning for your retirement?

We mean two things when we talk about planning for retirement.  The first plan is to set up a pension scheme, either a personal pension or participation in your employer sponsored occupational pension scheme.  Then you will need to regularly…

Is Life Cover Important?

Mortgage Protection Versus Life Cover I frequently get asked this by clients and friends alike…they go on to say “I have mortgage protection anyway, sure that’s the same thing right?” Yes, and No. Mortgage Protection is indeed Life…
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Increasing the Age of Retirement in Ireland

The State Pension has been in the news a lot in the last week. With all the news circulating, it’s fair to ask what is actually happening. In this post, we look at what is going on with the State Pension. Update: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic,…

Getting yourself Pension-Savvy

In this month's Construction Magazine, Susan asks if Ireland will finally become wise about pensions in the coming decade. This year is the beginning of a new decade and a good point to take stock of the last one while looking to the future.…

The Benefits of reading your benefit statement

If you have a pension plan do you read and understand your annual benefit statement? It's vital to review it as this could unlock some benefits to help your finances. In Milestone Advisory, I spend the majority of my time with clients who…
Protection Services

Protecting your Finances

Protecting You, Your Family and Your Future Health and Safety is vital in the construction sector. Protecting your finances is also an important part of your future planning.  The way to protect your finances is to save for the future and…

Protect your finances - save for the future!

In October each year, the Construction Industry Federation (CIF), run their annual Safety Week campaign. This campaign serves as a reminder about the health and safety of everyone involved in the Construction Industry. The ultimate goal is to…

Taking Control of your Pension Planning

It's time to take control of your pension planning. If you haven’t already started saving for retirement, it’s not too late. The current tax relief available within the pension framework was designed to allow older people save more money. As…

Life After Career

Taking a holistic approach While the role of the financial adviser is to focus on the money, sometimes the planning phase can raise other issues a client has not previously considered. In the pre-retirement financial planning phase, it is…
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Some tips to improve your financial health in 2019

In this edition of Irish Building Magazine, Susan O’Mara, Financial Services Consultant with Milestone Advisory gives some tips on financial changes we can make to help improve our financial health in 2019. If you are one of those rare…

Attracting and Retaining Staff

The “2018 National Skills Bulletin”, published by SOLAS, makes for interesting reading if you are running a company; you need to know what is in store for the labour market in your sector. If you are a parent with kids pondering their…

What's your financial plan for 2019?

This year, it's time for us all to think about planning for the next 20 years rather than just on the year ahead when it comes to planning for our retirement. At this time each year, I would usually write nine things to do better in 2019…

Tax Relief through Pensions

For most people, paying less tax is desirable. Paying less tax through tax relief schemes is possible and it's a great way to help yourself in the future. It’s that time of the year again when financial advisers and accountants are focused…
Analogue Clock Face

The Need to Defuse the Pension Time Bomb

What is the pensions time bomb? In a short, it's the unavoidable shortfall between pension requirements and the State's ability to pay it. Excluding public sector workers, who have close to full pension coverage, the private sector figure…